For anyone who does not to know French, it means 'Hello, my friends'. So anyway, I'm trying to get some music up here but it's not working for me....but, no need to fret, I'll figure it out somehow. But anywayz, this is a fashion blog! Not a "Dear Diary," blog! So as we all know it, summer is just around the corner, people!! And as all of us gals know it, we must get the latest trends, read the latest magazines, and shop at the most up-to-date stores! So I was shopping in Aeropostale the other day, and found/bought an amazing shirt for those who look good in hot pink! The pics are above. For perfume, I recommend something from Aerie, or if you can find it, Chanel No. 5, short for CoCo-Chanel-Number-Five-The-Best-Romantic-Perfume-Ever!!! Plus, I absolutly cannot wait to get my hands on DeLiA*s clothing! the closest one to me is in New Jersey for all I know!!! I love the denim shorts (so comfortable!) and tanks! If you need something for a low bargain, come back next week on Saturday for 'Great Deals Under $20'. And, if you're going out on a late night walk on the beach, and it's chilly, you might need some amazing jeans from Buckle called 'Miss Me', a brand that is a little pricey but defenitly worth it! So just to wrap this post, I'm researching Gianni Versace, the world famous fashion designer, for a project and am very excited! I didn't want to do CoCo Chanel because I already know so much about her!